All images on this website are copyright © Weston Images unless otherwise stated. All Rights Reserved.

Purchasing Images

The owner (Weston Images) of the copyrighted images being purchased (the "Work"), from this site hereby grants the purchaser a non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, and perpetual right to use the work in accordance with the following license:

Photographic Print and Specialty Items

When you purchase an image in the form of a photographic print or specialty item, said items are for personal use only. You are prohibited from using the Work for any other purpose, including using, reproducing, or distributing the Work and/or materials incorporating all or any part of the Work for profit; selling or distributing electronic copies of the Work as standalone files or as part of a product from which a person is able to extract the Work as a standalone file; distributing the Work in or as part of an electronic template (e.g., as an image available in a word processing or web page creation application) intended to be reproduced by third parties on electronic or printed products; or using the Work as part of a trademark, service mark or logo.

Digital Images

When you purchase an image in digital form (file) said items are for personal use only. You are prohibited from using the Work for any other purpose, including using, reproducing, or distributing the Work and/or materials incorporating all or any part of the Work for profit; selling or distributing electronic copies of the Work as standalone files or as part of a product from which a person is able to extract the Work as a standalone file; distributing the Work in or as part of an electronic template (e.g., as an image available in a word processing or web page creation application) intended to be reproduced by third parties on electronic or printed products; or using the Work as part of a trademark, service mark or logo.

Printing for personal use is authorized by the owner. Photos under this license may be printed but not altered or edited in any way other than by the photographer. Any such alterations is a violation of the copyright. Weston Images is not liable for print quality, cropping, or coloring of any photos not printed directly through the owner’s professional lab. Photo quality is only guaranteed through photos purchased directly through Weston Images and/or the owner’s lab.

Distribution of photos to persons that would otherwise purchase prints, specialty items, or a license from Weston Images is strictly prohibited. Notably, other members of the team, organization, or league. Doing so is a violation of the license included with your order, and theft. Thank you for your understanding, and support of small businesses.

Returns Policy

If you are unhappy with a printed product purchased from Weston Images, we will do our very best to correct the issue. We may ask that you verify the issue by taking a photo of it and/or returning the damaged prints to submit a claim or request a replacement from our lab.

Weston Images is not liable for print quality, cropping, or coloring of any photos not printed directly through the owner’s professional lab. Photo quality is only guaranteed through photos purchased directly through Weston Images and/or the owner’s lab.

There are NO REFUNDS for digital image purchases.

Privacy Policy

Information obtained from organizations, including leagues, teams, coaches, or parents is used exclusively by Weston Images to identify athletes and contact potential customers to solicit the sales of its own products. We do not sell, trade, or barter information with any outside organization. Contacts in our database are free to opt-out of communications at any time.