Company details

About Weston Images

Weston Images is the photography arm of Weston Creative LLC, specializing in sports and sports portraiture. From individual athletes to leagues with dozens of teams, Weston Images can handle volumes of players in a fast and fun picture day! With our network of photographers and staff, no organization is too small or too large. If you are within 25 miles of the Fox Valley area, contact us. We’d love to work with you.

About Weston Maggio

Owner and Principle Photographer, Weston (Wes) Maggio has been in the creative industry nearly 2 decades. Trained as a traditional illustrator, Wes developed his eye for lighting, composition and visual impact before he ever picked up a camera. To him, the camera is just another tool to create an image that tells a story—that captures a memory.

In parallel with his involvement in photography, Wes worked for tech company, Wacom for 18 years. There he leveraged his passion for creativity and technology to further the use of Wacom’s products in visual art and communications. Throughout his time at Wacom, Wes was a popular trainer and speaker at creative conferences and workshops around the world, including Photoshop World, Siggraph, and Adobe MAX.